Tips to Avoid Aids
Author: M.V. Sreenath ReddyAcquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a condition that gradually destroys the body's immune defense system and makes the body vulnerable to opportunistic diseases. It is caused by infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). After HIV invades the body, it lives and multiplies in the white blood cells, which are the cells that protect the body from disease. As the virus multiplies, it damages or kills these and other cells, and the body becomes prey to a wide range of disease-causing microbes. When HIV has destroyed enough white blood cells, the body is no longer able to fight off many infections, and a person begins to get sick. If a person with HIV infection has not had many white cells die, that person feels fine and looks fine.
Wash eyes and skin immediately with running water should they be splashed with blood or body fluids.
Disinfect body with sodium hypochlorite solution. Wash with a germicidal soap and rinse thoroughly. Keep water pressure low to avoid splashing.
Use electric aspirator to aspirate body fluids. Cover draining port to avoid flashback.
Biological safety cabinets (Class I or II) and other primary containment devices (e.g., centrifuge safety cups) are advised whenever procedures are conducted that have a high potential for creating aerosols or infectious droplets. These include centrifuging, blending, sonicating, vigorous mixing, and harvesting infected tissues from animals or embryonated eggs. Fluorescent activated cell sorters generate droplets that could potentially result in infectious aerosols.
Avoid sex with individuals who are in a ‘high risk’ group such as - male and female prostitutes, homosexuals, bisexuals, people with multiple partners, individuals who have had sexual contact with an AIDS patient, hemophiliacs, patients on renal dialysis, intravenous drug abusers etc.
To manage HIV infection requires, as a starting point, identification of those who are infected in a non-discriminating and non-threatening way. The ANC-led government is therefore increasing access to counseling and voluntary testing at health facilities and non-medical sites. It is promoting the use of rapid tests that have proven to be accessible, and cost-effective.
Married men and women. Among married people in every country surveyed, the most common reported change in sexual behavior in response to AIDS is to restrict sex to the person's spouse Other changes that married respondents mention include using condoms, asking the spouse to be faithful, having fewer sex partners, stopping sex entirely, avoiding sex with prostitutes, and not using unspecialized needles for injections.
Condoms have an 85 percent (annual) success rate in protecting against pregnancy. That's a 15 percent failure rate. But a woman can get pregnant only about six days per month. HIV can infect a person 31 days per month. Latex rubber, from which latex gloves and condoms are made, has tiny, naturally occurring voids or capillaries measuring on the order of one micron in diameter. Pores or holes 5 microns in diameter have been detected in cross sections of latex gloves. (A micron is one-thou-sandth of a millimeter.) Latex condoms will generally block the human sperm, which is much larger than the HIV virus.
Since it includes heterosexual males and females with multiple sex partners, hemophiliacs, and habitual intravenous drug users , therefore , only safe sex is the first and foremost step to be taken in this regard.
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1:-Tips to Avoid Aids
2:- Tips to Avoid Aids
3:-Tips to Avoid Aids
4:-Tips to Avoid Aids Ladies
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